How to Succeed in Retail: Overcoming Supply Chain Challenges with the Power of Advanced Tech Innovation

As we navigate through the uncertainty of our current times, the age-old adage, “necessity is the mother of invention,” proves accurate once again. Retail businesses are experiencing an unprecedented era of turbulence – inflation is mounting, consumer behavior is evolving at an astounding pace, and the retail landscape is shifting, necessitating more agile, innovative, and… Continue reading How to Succeed in Retail: Overcoming Supply Chain Challenges with the Power of Advanced Tech Innovation

The Future of E-commerce: Top 5 Industry Forecasts

In the dynamic sphere of commerce, the only constant changes with the continuous reshaping of business landscapes driven by the relentless pulse of technology. This is particularly evident in eCommerce, where traditional trade paradigms are swiftly replaced by innovation, thereby setting the stage for a future we could barely envision just a few years ago.… Continue reading The Future of E-commerce: Top 5 Industry Forecasts

Technology at The Heart of Fashion Retail – Embracing Sustainability

Have you ever wondered about the environmental impacts of building your wardrobe? Yes, apart from your daily commutes and lifestyle choices, how your beloved fashion pieces reach your wardrobe also impacts your overall carbon footprint.  The fashion and retail industry is one of the largest consumers of natural resources like water, fossil fuels, fertilizers, etc.… Continue reading Technology at The Heart of Fashion Retail – Embracing Sustainability

Planning a sustainable future with Increff Merchandising Solution

Apparel companies, be they haute couture or mass-production chains, are at all times burdened with an inventory glut. This glut eventually results in deadstock that generates 53 million tonnes of litter for landfills each year in addition to the environmental consequences of the production of the garment itself. Approximately 30% of the clothing produced each… Continue reading Planning a sustainable future with Increff Merchandising Solution