How to Succeed in Retail: Overcoming Supply Chain Challenges with the Power of Advanced Tech Innovation

As we navigate through the uncertainty of our current times, the age-old adage, “necessity is the mother of invention,” proves accurate once again. Retail businesses are experiencing an unprecedented era of turbulence – inflation is mounting, consumer behavior is evolving at an astounding pace, and the retail landscape is shifting, necessitating more agile, innovative, and… Continue reading How to Succeed in Retail: Overcoming Supply Chain Challenges with the Power of Advanced Tech Innovation

Unlock the power of analytics to win more online sales opportunities

As retail e-commerce sales worldwide are expected to grow by 56 percent over the next years, reaching about 8.1 trillion dollars by 2026, retailers cannot ignore the enormous potential of an online presence. But getting into each customer’s shoes to map their journey, understand their needs, and fulfill their demands can be quite challenging. Arm… Continue reading Unlock the power of analytics to win more online sales opportunities

Opening our Libraries on GitHub

All of us software developers have been using open-source software for many years now. Some of the notable ones (for the Java guys) being: Over the last 4+ years, we at Increff have built a repository of libraries to ease up software development. Slowly it became a dream at Increff to contribute back to the… Continue reading Opening our Libraries on GitHub